A warm Teacher Sparkle Welcome, Teacher Friend! I’m sure that I’m not the only teacher who has lost their joy for teaching at some point in their career. And I’m also sure that I’m not the only one who found their joy once again! This entire blog is dedicated to sharing teaching ideas and resources to help support and encourage teachers who feel overwhelmed and don’t love teaching anymore.
Read on to see just how this little blog began…
Welcome to All That Teacher Sparkle!

To say that I am excited today is an understatement! I never thought in a million years I would ever be typing a post for my very own Teacher Blog!
If you’d asked me two years ago what I would be doing today, I definitely would NOT have said, “Homeschooling my kids while working from home as a virtual teacher on Outschool. *casually sips coffee* Did I mention I’ll be starting a blog to help other teachers?” Ha!
Well, life happened and here I am, doing just that!
Leaving the Classroom

In July 2020, I resigned from my dream job of teaching 4th grade Reading (complete with dream classroom, dream teaching team…. you get the idea…it was pretty much perfect!).
I spent much of the next three months fumbling through… ahem… I mean learning how homeschooling works best for our family and figuring out how to transform myself into a businesswoman on the Outschool platform.
The other thing I did….was totally miss school!
I missed the workroom comradery, the fun dress-up-themed days, and the family I created in my classroom with my students each year. *sigh*
Fortunately, Outschool did help a lot by filling that hole that was left in my Teacher Heart, but it wasn’t enough. I needed something more, but I wasn’t sure what is was that I needed!
The Missing Piece
Last Christmas, I really had my teacher friends from school on my mind. I knew they must be exhausted, completely fried, and SUPER ready for Christmas Break (isn’t every teacher feeling that way in December? I always did!)! So, I decided I would give them a gift that every teacher needs at Christmas. The gift of free time and rest…or a quick trip to the workroom for some of the cookies left out on the counter!

I recorded myself, in full Christmas sweater/Santa Hat regalia, parked in front of my Christmas tree reading a few Christmas books and singing a festive song or two.
It was 20 minutes of B acting at best, but I hoped to help out my former colleagues by giving their students something somewhat educational so that they could have a few minutes to themselves.
And there it was. The missing piece!
Helping other teachers who needed rest, ideas, and resources was the one thing I hadn’t figured out yet how to replicate! An idea was born…I wanted to write a blog and help teachers who needed inspiration and encouragement. *fuzzy warm heart feelings*
Then I had a good long laugh and came back to reality! Who in the world did I think I was, anyway? No one cares what I have to say! I have nothing to share with anyone that someone better than me hasn’t already shared! So, that was that! My ridiculous notion was shelved and I threw myself into creating new classes and curriculum for Outschool.
Jumping In With Both Feet
Fast forward to this November and that crazy desire to start a blog waved its little fingers and whispered, “Remember me?!” By now, I had met a wonderful friend who had given me a lot of advice about Outschool, business, and life in general. Along with her and one of my former teaching teammates, I had the courage to just do it.

Both of these women reminded me that I have a creative personality and 20 years of classroom experience to share with others. And most importantly, the true desire to help other teachers!
So… Welcome to All That Teacher Sparkle! ❤️
I’m not perfect and won’t have a magic cure for every ailment. What I say might not be for everyone.
I am willing to share my past experiences (good, bad, and uuuugly), creative ideas, and resources of my own design!
My passion is to help hard-working teachers who want a little inspiration, a ton of encouragement, and their own Teacher Sparkle! I’m here for you!