Teacher smiling because she was encouraged

“Spreading Sparkle”- A Challenge to Encourage Teachers

So many of my friends who are still in the classroom are telling me they need more people to encourage teachers! This year, by far, is the hardest year they have ever had since becoming a teacher. Teaching conditions are worsening, resources to support teachers are practically nonexistent, and subs are nowhere to be found. I think it really just boils down to teachers being flat-out worn down by the unrealistic expectations and pressure to perform that is inexplicably unyielding.

If you are on my Email List, I have shared with you the toll that pandemic teaching took on my mental health (and that was back in Spring of 2020 when everyone was teaching virtually and hadn’t even gone back to in-person learning yet!). One thing that helped get me through those dark, difficult days was…. encouragement.

Anyone can encourage Teachers!

Two teachers smiling because they feel encouraged.

Parents who appreciated all that I was doing to support them and help their children thanked me for the fun videos and activities I had prepared.

They had no idea the painstaking toll it took for me to get those delivered to Google Classroom and simultaneously create the same content for paper packets! It made me feel good knowing my hard work was appreciated.

Another source of encouragement was my 4th grade team! *Shout out to Debbie and Cassie* They were truly “The Dream Team!” and if I hadn’t had them in my life, I don’t think I would have made it through! Their constant affirmations, listening ears, and silly laughter over Google Meet sessions brought me up when I was at my lowest.

Words are so powerful, and it is my desire to encourage teachers (as many as I can!) with mine. I hope you will help me with a little project I have in mind….

How To Encourage Teachers!

Let’s spread some love and send real encouragement to weary teachers and staff members who need your kind words to help get them through these difficult days. Here’s the plan…

Free notes to encourage teachers.

In the Freebie Collection of my website, click on the “Spreading Sparkle” Notes and download the packet from my TPT Store.

There are 8 notes to print off on paper or cardstock…white or colored…it’s totally up to you! 4 of these notes you will write on, but leave the other 4 blank.

When choosing who to write an encouraging note for, use the categories below to challenge you to think outside the box a little. Think of one person who fits for each category…   

Who Can You Encourage?

*The “I Can’t Live Without You” Person– The staff member who makes your life SO much easier, that if you didn’t have them in your life, you might die… sometimes literally. Ok, so that might be a little dramatic, but you get what I’m saying. If they weren’t around, you truly could not do your job! Ex- Custodian, Administrative Assistant, Resource Officer, Nurse, etc…

*The “I Secretly Admire You” Person– The staff member who you think is amazing, just have never told them! They just look SO put together every day, you never hear a peep out of their class when they are in the hallway, or maybe they just always seem super positive! You noticed how incredible they are, so why not share that?

Happy Teacher walking with students.

*The “I Don’t Know You Well” Person– The staff member you see around school, maybe you smile and say “Hi”, but they’re at the other end of the building so you don’t really cross paths often. If you did run into them in the workroom, there’s never time to talk! You would like to get to know them better though, and a kind note might be the icebreaker you’re looking for!

*The “Best Bud”– The staff member you always hang with, tell everything, and knows your mood without having to ask! Not only do you spend time with them at school, but you would actually go somewhere outside of school, too. You love them that much!

Let the Encouragement Begin!

Now that you have 4 people on your mind, write those notes! Be genuine and generous with your comments. Really share what you think that person does well or what you admire about them. I often write the things I think much more openly than I can actually say them, especially if what I want to say makes me emotional.

When we encourage teachers, they truly need to hear the best about themselves! The things you say can have a profound effect!

PS- Remaining anonymous is fine if you don’t feel comfortable signing your name!

Hand writing a note to encourage a teacher.

After the notes are written, deliver them any way you want.

Hand deliver face to face? Sure!

Sneak the note onto their desk while they are out of their room? Good idea!

Singing telegram? Absolutely!

Do whatever feels comfortable for you.

And remember those 4 blank notes you have left over? Include one for them to pass on to someone else! Feel free to leave a piece of chocolate or a nice pen along with your notes!

And that’s it! Good deed done! Sparkle officially spread! You will feel SO good knowing you brought joy to others, and THAT is what this challenge is all about!

Get Ready to Encourage Teachers!

To give you time to plan, prepare, and let your friends in on the fun if they want to join, the “Spreading Sparkle” Teacher Encouragement Challenge will run from February 3rd-7th 2025. You could write one note each day for 4 days or write them all on one day- it’s up to you how you fulfill the challenge.

Colored notes for the "Spreading Sparkle" Teacher Encouragement Challenge.

And OF COURSE, if you are reading this after the fact, you can still pass on sweet notes without participating in “the challenge”. At any time, if you want to use these notes to pass some kindness to fellow staff members, I am ALL FOR IT!

When you participate (whether giving the notes or receiving!), post a picture on Instagram and tag me @allthatteachersparkle! I can’t wait to see you spread some joy and encouragement to deserving teachers… and get a little joy in return!

Pin This Teacher Encouragement Idea

Save this post to your favorite Teaching Pinterest Board so that you can encourage teachers any time! There’s never a wrong time to share kind compliments!

Pinterest Pin "Spreading Sparkle" a Challenge to Encourage Teachers

If you have any questions or want to bounce any ideas off a colleague, I’m here for you! Teacher Sparkle always grows when it has other Teacher Sparkle to share in the excitement!


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I’m the face behind All That Teacher Sparkle! I’m so glad you’re here!

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